Agape Performance

Therapeutic Wellness/educational classes

There are a variety of wellness classes to choose from. Some are exercise/movement based and some are more education. If you click the button below it will take you to the page to help you learn more about each class or program. The registration for the classes can be found there as well. If you have any questions beyond this, please reach out to Riley.

Agape STRONG Athlete development programs

We have a range of athlete development opportunities for the young athlete. Click below to sign up for your program. If you have any issues email

Agape Performance is one of Agape Therapy’s locations.  We have created an environment better suited for training athletes and holding our therapeutic classes.

The athlete side is dedicated and designed for young athletes or young bodies who are needing to learn how to move better and get stronger. 

 From teaching school age kids how to use their body better, to posture and movement assessments, to enhancing performance in elite athletes, Agape Performance is ready to help you be better.

One of the big benefits with our sports development is if an athlete gets injured playing their sport, they can certainly do PT with Agape. But we have a warm therapy pool with an underwater treadmill right across the parking lot at our PT location on Viking. 

The other space is for therapeutic exercise and educational classes. Our focus is to provide movement options for those nervous about movement, managing pain and multiple health issues, or who don’t feel comfortable elsewhere.  If you are looking to enroll in one of those classes click here.  We love the convenience of having our PT clinic and gentleGYM in the same development as our Agape Performance building! 

If someone needs PT or Hand Therapy, that will continue but at one of our other 4 locations that do PT. Our downtown Cedar Falls clinic is where our Hand Therapy clinic is at.  That will need an OT order, not PT.