Myofascial Release/Trigger Point Release With Tennis Balls

Myofascial Release/Trigger Point Release With Tennis Balls

tennis ball for pec Tennis balls are a wonderful and effective tool to improve flexibility and reduce pain.  Plus you probably can find one around a tennis court for free, that someone left because they didn’t feel like walking around the fence!!

Here’s how:

1)  Get a tennis ball (or similar ball)
2)  Lie on the floor (or stand against a wall) and position the ball under your most sensitive or tender knot.
3)  Put just enough pressure under the spot so that you feel a “good pain”, enabling you to relax. “No pain no gain” doesn’t apply here – lighten up the pressure if you are wincing or making faces.
4)  Lay on the ball until the discomfort is about 75% lower than when you started (like we do in the ITM office). This can be as little as a few seconds to a couple of minutes.
5)  Move on to the next “hot spot”.
6)  Stretching and heating the area (moist heat is recommended) afterword will help your hard work to stick better.